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Integration: Spotify
I would love to have some spotify controls, just "play", "pause", and "skip" would be nice.
Integration: Gmail
Hi, I just wanted to see if gmail could be added as an inbox integration because I check it a lot. thanks,
Integration: Notion
Hi Momentum team, it'd be wonderful to see an integration with Notion ( Your add-on and Notion are what gets me through a long day of studying at the library!
Integration: Apple Health
Because there is fitbit integration, I thought it would be nice to have fitbit health integrated as well.
Integration: Apple Calendar/Reminders
I know this is a really tricky one because Apple doesn't like to play with other kids, but I'd love to see an integration with the Apple calendar and/or the Apple reminders. I'm relying heavily on those, because they allow me to share events/reminde
Integration: Outlook
Could you please create a way to integrate Tasks from Outlook?
Integration: TickTick
Momentum for Desktop
Please create a Desktop Momentum App! I'd love to have the inspiring images & focus functions - and NOT have to open a browser - which for me is often a distraction danger zone, period. You'd mentioned wanting to create one at one time. Any ETA o
Integration: Apple Watch
I know fitbit is already available, but I personally use an Apple Watch and would like to have that integrated as well.
Habit Tracker
Add an easy way to create and monitor progress towards positive habits like meditating, exercising, flossing, etc. within Momentum.
Integration: Google Keep
integrate Google Keep as todo list
Integration: Things
Integration with tasks in Things 3 for the to-do list would be wonderful!
Add Date & Day
Todays date and day has to show somewhere. Its absolutely absent. Kindly arrange to introduce the same.
Integration: Evernote
Would love to see this as a to do list integration
Tasks: Due dates
Would be nice to have due dates on items in todo list. BONUS: Super duper if on the day something is due, it automatically moves from any other list to Today
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